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Using Free PostgreSQL database solutions

· One min read
Team EasyManage

Free PostgreSQL database providers

We are listing postgres database providers you can use for free, which work with EasyManage.

These free tiers are good to get you started on project development with cloud database for various purposes such as side projects, prototyping, MVPs.

Check out their Free PostgreSQL database here.

How To Use with EasyManage

  • From Neon Dashboard, gather connection details:

Get psql URL: postgres://<role_name>:<db-password>@<server-name>

Get Role (Db User) and password, if not part of URL.

EasyManage : Import Tables : New Db Source : Create New Record

  • Select psql db type
  • Give Source Name: e.g. Psql Neon Db 01
  • Use URL
    • without <role_name>:<db-password>@ and
    • replacing prefix with jdbc:postgresql:
    • add suffix ?sslmode=require
    • as per below in EasyManage Studio
    • jdbc:postgresql://<server-name>
  • Fill out Db User/Password fields.

Note: Below three have not been tried out with EasyManage Builder Studio, but they should work.

Amazon RDS

Check out their Free PostgreSQL database here


Check out their Free PostgreSQL database here

Check out their Free PostgreSQL database here.