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Team EasyManage

Upskill React skills to Next.js framework. Take Frontend Development Journey from React to Next.js With EasyManage Account.

Use EasyManage account to generate Frontend Next.js React App from database tables. Use it as a reference for all upskilling steps mentioned.

Next.js Development with Easymanage

Point to your PostgreSQL or other supported database and get a Next.js App in 1 minute!

Upskilling From React to Next.js with Easymanage

Become a Next.js Developer in short time with good efforts. Take your journey, all along with EasyManage account to help you in building.

Next.js Developer Skills

Upskill to learn Microservices Developer Skills

  • Migrate CRA Apps to React - Lateral Migration
  • Build Next.js App with Client Side Rendering (CSR) Focus
  • Build Next.js App with SSR, SSG, ISR
  • Practice Next.js App with Mix Of CSR/SSR/ISR

More Details

For more details refer to below pages:

EasyManage Tutorials

  • Follow tutorials for Frontend Development pertaining to React Next.js.

Tutorials Skilling

  • Next.js React App

Program Curriculum - Upskilling From React to Next.js