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Team EasyManage

EasyManage makes GraphQL development super easy. EasyManage generates ready-to-use GraphQL APIs & REST APIs, for use with our generated app or any other mobile or web app.

GraphQL Development with Easymanage

Point to your PostgreSQL or other supported database and get fully-featured, secure, and fast GraphQL APIs in 1 minute!

Upskilling From REST to GraphQL with Easymanage

Follow steps and exercises to master GraphQL Developer key skills. Use EasyManage account to generate GraphQL - Backend Spring Java project from database tables. Use it as a reference for all upskilling steps mentioned.

GraphQL Developer Skills

Upskill to learn GraphQL Developer Skills

Know about:

  • What is GraphQL ?
  • GraphQL APIs How to build ?
  • Follow GraphQL Tutorial
  • Get Graphql examples

Learn GraphQL Features:

  • GraphQL Schema
  • GraphQL Queries
  • GraphQL Mutation
  • GraphQL Resolvers
  • GraphQL Subscription

Implement GraphQL with your tech stacks:

  • GraphQL Java

    • Spring Boot
  • GraphQL Express

    • Apollo Graphql

More Details

For more details refer to below pages:

EasyManage Tutorials

  • Follow tutorials for Development pertaining to GraphQL.

Tutorials Skilling

  • Backend Spring Java - GraphQL
  • Backend Express Node.js - GraphQL

Program Curriculum - Upskilling From REST to GraphQL