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Self Hosting


Hardware, Software and Tools

Software and Tools required on your local computer.

A computer with:

  • Win 10+ 64bit, i3+, RAM 8GB, Disk: 20GB Free
    • For running Docker Desktop / containers, min RAM 16GB recommended.
  • User with Administrator Privileges

Software Tools Recommended

  • Backend - Spring Java
    • IDEA Intellij - Community Edition
    • JDK 8 or Java 17
  • Backend - Express
    • Visual Studio Code
  • Frotntend - Flutter
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Flutter SDK
    • For building Android Apps
      • Android Studio

Misc Software

  • Optionally Need Docker Desktop and Other software for Backend Enterprise level development.

Setup Notes

Backend: Spring Java

  • IDEA Intellij Community Edition Latest. Download IntelliJ IDEA
  • Java JDK Requirement
    • EasyManage generated Backend : Spring Java - GraphQL | REST can be configured to run with any below:
    • Spring Boot 2.7 and Java 8
      • Java 8 - JDK 8
    • Spring Boot 3.2.3 and Java 17
      • Java 17 to Java 21 can be used

Frontend: Flutter

  • Follow Flutter Doc : Get Started to install Flutter, Android Setup, etc. and Test Drive Create/Run 1st app.
    • In Visual Studio Code. Install Flutter Extension
    • Setup Flutter SDK
    • To Build Android Apps - Android Studio. Setup Covered in Flutter Get Started Doc link above.

Deploying Flutter Web App on Hosted Production Cloud Server

This section contains guides to deploy Flutter Web App.

Deploying GraphQL or REST APIs on Hosted Production Cloud Server

Deployment Guides

This section contains guides to deploy GraphQL or REST APIs and connect it to chosen database.

Deploy Self-Host

Deploy on your own hosting cloud.

For REST APIs - Host on Production Server, Please refer to page REST APIs - Hosting - Production, as steps are similar.

For GraphQL APIs - Host on Production Server, Please refer to same page, as steps are similar.

Deploy Using Linode

Quickstart with Linode

This section talks about setting up APIs on Linode with chosen database.

Linode Hosted Server Configuration

Configuring Linode Hosted Server.