Build Your First App
In this quickstart guide, you will learn to Create a new application and backend.
Full-Stack Development Simplified
EasyManage helps in full-stack building, meaning development of both front end (Flutter) and back end (APIs) portions of mobile or web application.
Using Builder Studio
Please follow these steps, refer to Using Builder Studio for details.
- Connect to a database
- Tip: You can use online Free PostgreSQL Database
- Import Database Tables/Views Schema
- For learning, Sample tables SQL file is provided in Tutorials: Tutorial 1
- Manage Tables - View, Verify, Modify, Add
- Create a new application and backend
- Start Building
- Make Build Selections
- Build - Project (Generate Code)
- Following are generated:
- Flutter App
- REST API : in Java and Express
- GraphQL API : in Java and Express
- List Builds - View Details of build
- Run Build
- How to Run Build ? Self-host On-premise on Your Computer.
- Download Build - A zip containing all Generated Projects.
- And Self-Host (On-premise, private server) - Compile, Deploy, Run.
You’ve completed building your first app and backend that can display information from the database, in few minutes.
Downloaded zip with Projects
- Extract zip. Navigate to projects for Flutter App or APIs spring. Open project in IDE and Compile/Run.
Deploy and manage app and backend on your local machine or private server instance.
Self-hosting means hosting and managing Apps & APIs directly on your computer or server, by yourself. If you need secure and private hosting, go self-hosting, as you have complete control over your data and how it's used.
Deploy and Run
Pre-requisites : Setup tools on your local computer
- Please follow instructions on page Pre-requisites Setup tools
Flutter App Deploy & Run
- Please follow instructions on page Flutter App Deploy & Run
REST API Deploy & Run
- Please follow instructions on page REST Deploy & Run
GraphQL API Deploy & Run
- Please follow instructions on page GraphQL Deploy & Run
Hosted By EasyManage
Deploy and manage app and backend on EasyManage provisioned cloud server. Please contact support for instructions, help and support on this.
Congratulations, you have completed the EasyManage quickstart tutorial.