REST APIs Customize
Low-Code Customize & Extend - REST APIs
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Backend (BE): Low-Code Customize & Extend
This section contains guides to low-code customize REST APIs.
REST Low-Code Customize
- Implement DataMesh with data from repository or other endpoints REST, GraphQL.
Customize - How Tos ?
Implement Data Federation | Data Mesh
Create Data Federation | Data Mesh with any custom combination, for all of your data.
Provide a unified REST API endpoint that includes data from any of:
- A. REST API function in project
- B. Any other REST API endpoint
A default DataMesh Query is provided in generated code. That can be easily customized further. Tip: Get code block to fetch REST endpoint from respective auto-generated REST controller.
See Code Example
// Data Mesh Sample Code: Combine / Fetch the data from other REST sources
Code-Help [CH] : Enable DataMesh Sample by steps below -
1-Uncomment Imports Required For Data Mesh
2-Uncomment Function Below
// -------------------- DataMesh -------------------------
public ResponseEntity<List<ErpproductTblRec>> ErpproductTblRecDataMesh()
throws Exception
try {
List<ErpproductTblRec> ErpproductTblRecList = new ArrayList<ErpproductTblRec>();
System.out.println("Data Mesh Source #1 Record Count: "+ErpproductTblRecList.size());
// ---- Combine Data With ----------------------------------------------------
// Get data from REST API call (sample shows getting data from same table ViewAll API call)
String get_data_rest_url = ""; //-1 == Unpaginated
WebClient webClientRest = WebClient.builder().baseUrl(get_data_rest_url)
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE).build();
Mono<List<ErpproductTblRec>> responseRest =
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE).retrieve()
.bodyToMono(new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<ErpproductTblRec>>() {});
List<ErpproductTblRec> getMeshRestListErpproductTblRec = responseRest.block();
System.out.println("Data Mesh Source #2 Record Count: "+getMeshRestListErpproductTblRec.size());
if (ErpproductTblRecList.isEmpty()) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
return new ResponseEntity<>(ErpproductTblRecList, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error: Exception: "+e.getMessage());
return new ResponseEntity<>(null, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);