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Templates Screens


Get started with ready to use templates along with generated code from EasyManage.

EasyManage: Templates

  • EasyManage: Templates

    • Is A folder containing EasyManage template projects

    • Locate generated code folder, we will refet to it as DEST

    • DEST : generated code ..\WS_<nnnnn>\resources\templates\


A template project is used with EasyManage generated code. Template projects contain README doc and code for sample apps, examples, customizations and enhancements to use with EasyManage generated code.


Note: If a template contains customizations or enhancements to be merged with generated code, please make sure first that the generated code project is able to build & run.

Backend Templates

  • List EasyManage: Backend Templates

    • Locate generated code folder, we will refet to it as DEST
    • DEST : generated code ...\resources\templates\backend\spring-java
  • Code Coverage - SonarQube, JaCoCo

    • Code Coverage Analysis ...\code-coverage\
  • Extend

    • Identifiers, @GeneratedValue
    • Validations
    • DTO (Data Transfer Object)
  • Security

    • OAuth2
    • Keycloak
    • Social (Google, Github, ...)
  • Caching

    • Redis
  • DevOps

    • CI/CD
      • Jenkins
      • GitLab CI/CD
  • Logging - ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana)

  • Integrating - Kafka, Kafka Streams

  • Testing

    • System Testing - Performance, Load testing
    • TDD (Test Driven Development)
    • Smoke Testing
    • BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)
  • Migrate to Spring Boot 3 (Spring Boot 3.2.3 and Java 17 or Java 21)

Screen Library

Get started with ready-to-use screens generated with EasyManage inside below repositories.

Repositories with Sample Projects

Find here, ready to use repositories from samples and open source apps generated with EasyManage.

Open Source Modernization


Templates for below available upon request.

  • Odoo + EasyManage
    • Modernize Odoo With EasyManage generated GraphQL APIs and Flutter Mobile App
  • SuiteCRM + EasyManage
    • Modernize SuiteCRM With EasyManage generated GraphQL APIs and Flutter Mobile App