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Builder Studio Reference

Reference guide for Builder Studio.


Databases supported for 'Import Tables' are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server. Please contact us for further help on databases.

Supported Database Versions for Import

DatabaseidJDBC DriverDatabase Versions
Oracleoracleojdbc8.jarOracle 21c, 19c, 18c, and 12.2
MS SQL Servermssql10.2.1.jre8SQL Server 2019 (2017, 2016, 2014, 2012)
PostgreSQLpsql42.5.1PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer
MySQLmysql5.1.49MySQL Server ver 5.0, 5.5
MySQL Newer Vermysql28.0.30MySQL Server 8.0, 5.7 and 5.6

Importing From MariaDB database using MySQL connection type

Based on information from page MariaDB versus MySQL: Compatibility and stackoverflow, below seems version compatibility matrix to use MySQL connection type for importing tables from MariaDB.

MySQLidCompatible with MariaDB
MySQL 5.1mysqlMariaDB 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
MySQL 5.5mysqlMariaDB 5.5
MySQL 5.6mysql2MariaDB 10.0
MySQL 5.7mysql2MariaDB 10.2

Connecting Databases

Connection examples of providing URL as per db type :

  • Oracle (oracle)
  • MS SQL Server (mssql)
  • PostgreSQL (psql)
  • MySQL (mysql)

Also provide database user and password.

Databases Data Types Mapping to EasyManage Types

MySQL and PostgreSQL

Db Data Type (lowercase) --> EasyManage Type

  • char --> CHAR
  • *binary* --> STREAM
  • *blob* --> STREAM
  • *bytea* --> STREAM
  • bit --> CHAR
  • datetime --> DATETIME
  • date --> DATE
  • time --> TIME
  • timestamp --> DATETIME
  • *int* --> NUMBER
  • *serial* --> NUMBER
  • *numeric* | *decimal* | *float* | *real* | *money* | *double* --> FLOAT
  • *text* --> TEXT
  • *bool* --> BOOLEAN
  • Any Other --> CHAR


Oracle Type --> EasyManage Type

  • 'CHAR'--> 'CHAR'
  • 'NCHAR'--> 'CHAR'
  • 'VARCHAR2'--> 'CHAR'
  • 'NVARCHAR2'--> 'CHAR'
  • 'FLOAT'--> 'FLOAT'
  • 'DATE'--> 'DATE'
  • 'BOOLEAN'-->'CHAR'
  • 'LONG'-->'STREAM'
  • 'RAW'-->'STREAM'
  • 'ROWID'-->'CHAR'
  • 'CLOB'-->'STREAM'
  • 'NCLOB'-->'STREAM'
  • 'BLOB'-->'STREAM'
  • Any Other -->'CHAR'

MS SQL Server

Db Data Type (lowercase) --> EasyManage Type

  • char | nchar | varchar | nvarchar --> CHAR
  • date --> DATE
  • time --> TIME
  • *datetime* --> DATETIME
  • *int* --> NUMBER
  • *numeric* | *decimal* | *float* | *real* | *money* | *smallmoney* --> FLOAT
  • *text* --> TEXT
  • uniqueidentifier --> CHAR
  • bit --> CHAR
  • *image* | *binary* | *varbinary* --> STREAM
  • Any Other --> CHAR

Databases Specific Details for APIs

Some database specific implementation and understanding is required for APIs. Please refer to GraphQL and REST and Backend Reference docs for the same.

Solutions with Mgrating or Merging Databases

EasyManage can be used to migrate or merge databases. You can connect to one or more databases and import schemas. Then generate app and apis. The result projects can be setp to work against single (same or) new database type.