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Deploy Spring Java Backend APIs

Build Deploy with Docker


  • Install and setup
    • Docker Desktop
    • Configure to use Kubernetes via Settings : Kubernetes : Enable Kubernetes

Note: On Windows Run CMD as Administrator. Also for docker compose to work properly, use linux engine, e.g. via below command.

"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker"\DockerCli.exe -SwitchLinuxEngine
  • Tip: On Win: With Docker: High Memory Used by VmmemWSL and Freeing Up Memory

The VmmemWSL is a process running on the background of your computer which support virtual machine usage on your computer.

  • Shutdown via CMD - Administrator Mode wsl --shutdown

Build and Run One Project

  • Locate your project
    • <PROJECTDIR> is referenced as project folder, locate dir backend\spring-java\emapi
dbrest REST APIs
cd app\dbrest
type Dockerfile | docker build -t dbrest .

List the available docker images:

docker image ls -a

Start container and run image:

docker run -it -p9080:9080 dbrest
dbgraphql GraphQL APIs
cd app\dbgraphql
type Dockerfile | docker build -t dbgraphql .

List the available docker images:

docker image ls -a

Start container and run image:

docker run -it -p9070:9070 dbgraphql

Build and Run Both Project: dbrest & dbgraphql

  • Check/verify build-file
docker-compose config
  • Build images, create the containers, and start them:
docker-compose up --build
  • Stop the containers
docker-compose down


tests UT Unit Tests, IT Integration Tests

Below are generated in code generation stage,

  • tests Unit Tests
  • tests Integration Tests

UT Unit Tests

Using JUnit, Mockito, Mock. Annotations @Test

IT Integration Tests

Using JUnit, Mockito, MockMvc. Annotations @SpringBootTest, @Test

Enabling Tests

Please enable in Builder Studio: Spring Java Project Configure Flags:

  • tests UT Unit Tests, IT Integration Tests : Enable ✅

Test source locations:

  • tests Unit Tests
    • emapi\**\test\**\*
  • tests Integration Tests
    • emapi\**\test\**\*

Then generated tests will be enabled and can be executed in builds. Test reports in XML format are generated by default.

Running Tests

  • Run tests : Build project - verify
    • mvn clean verify
    • Generates test execution data

Make sure below values are set in emapi\pom.xml

        <!-- skip unit tests custom property -->

<!-- skip integration tests maven failsafe property -->

<!-- skip testNG API tests maven failsafe property for testApi -->

Testing Reports HTML

Test Reports HTML can be generated with maven-surefire-report-plugin via below maven goals, after running tests:

  • Generate surefire report for unit tests:

    • mvn surefire-report:report-only -Daggregate=true
    • Report is generated at emapi\target\site\surefire-report.html
  • Generate failsafe report for integration tests:

    • mvn surefire-report:failsafe-report-only -Daggregate=true
    • Report is generated at emapi\target\site\failsafe-report.html

Info: Below plugin is used to generate report with surefire-report


tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

API testing with TestNG, WebTestClient.

TestNG tests are executed and its report generated in maven build. Test Reports HTML is generated by default.

Below are generated in code generation stage,

  • API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

Using TestNG, WebClient. Annotations @Test

Including Tests in Generation

Please Include in Builder Studio: Spring Java Project Configure Flags:

  • tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient : Include ✅

Then generated tests will be available and can be manually enabled and executed.

Enabling and Executing Tests


Please note below:

  • API Tests are organized in separate spring sub-module testApi

  • They are generated but need to enable/run manually by following below mentioned steps.

  • Build project emapi with maven goal install

    • Note:
    • If using Versions: Spring Boot 2 and Java 8, then:
    • Edit emapi\pom.xml, set values as below for build goal install
    • <skipTests>true</skipTests>
  • Need to run dbrest and dbgraphql APIs in separate windows commands.

  • Maven install will install/copy snapshot jars to local repository, which will be used when running API tests:

dir /b /s C:\Users\JohnDoe\.m2\repository\com\example\emapi :


Running Tests

Run tests from project module levels for testApi.


  • Edit emapi\pom.xml, set values as below
        <!-- skip unit tests custom property -->

<!-- skip integration tests maven failsafe property -->

<!-- skip testNG API tests maven failsafe property for testApi -->
  • dbrestTest - Test source locations:
  • emapi\testApi\dbrestTest\src\test\java\testapi\*\*
  • dbgraphqlTest - Test source locations:
  • emapi\testApi\dbgraphqlTest\src\test\java\testapi\*\*

Run tests with project module level maven goal from IDE or command line as below:

cd emapi\testApi
mvn -pl dbrestTest verify
mvn -pl dbgraphqlTest verify

Aggregate API Tests Report:

mvn surefire-report:failsafe-report-only -Daggregate=true

Testing Reports HTML

Test reports in HTML format are generated by default at locations:

  • dbrestTest - Test Report HTML:
    • emapi\testApi\dbrestTest\target\failsafe-reports\index.html
    • emapi\testApi\dbrestTest\target\failsafe-reports\emailable-report.html
  • dbgraphqlTest - Test Report HTML:
    • emapi\testApi\dbgraphqlTest\target\failsafe-reports\index.html
    • emapi\testApi\dbgraphqlTest\target\failsafe-reports\emailable-report.html
    • Note: If using Spring Boot 2 and Java 8, then location is at:
    • emapi\testApi\dbgraphqlTest\target\surefire-reports\index.html

Aggregate Test report for both above in HTML format is at location:

  • emapi\testApi\target\site\failsafe-report.html

Code Analysis - Code Coverage, Code Quality

Do static source code analysis, find code coverage and ensure code quality with SonarQube.

Now available with Project Settings Configuration Selection via Builder Studio.

  • Previously available with EasyManage Templates : Backend Templates : Code Coverage Analysis. Pease find it here Backend Templates

SonarQube - Features

  • SonarQube a code quality and security solution that integrates into your CI/CD, and enables you to deploy clean code.
  • Static Code Analysis | SAST
    • Sonar's SAST (static application security testing) engine detects security vulnerabilities in your code. So they can be eliminated before hand.

Generating Code Coverage Locally with JaCoCo, Sonar Scanner

Note: In root level pom.xml Set properties.

  • Edit emapi\pom.xml verify/set below properties to false
  • <sonar.skip> , <jacoco.skip>, <skipITs>, <skipUTs>
  • Run maven goal
mvn clean verify

Local Code Coverage Reports are generated.

  • A separate coverage report will be generated for each module.
  • Also Aggregate Report of all the module-specific reports into one project-level report is generated at:
    • emapi\coverage\target\site\jacoco-aggregate\index.html

Code Analysis with SonarQube

How to run SonarQube Locally From Docker

Note: Use SonarQube Ver 8.9 for JDK 8 compatibility

docker pull sonarqube:8.9-community
docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:8.9-community

View SonarQube Landing Page and later on Reports

  • Go to: http://localhost:9000/

  • First time: Login passowrd change will be required

  • Use new password in place of admin below for mvn sonar:sonar command

How to Analyze Source Code with SonarQube via mvn goal

  • Run maven goal
mvn clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=admin

After completing, view the results will be available on the SonarQube Projects dashboard

  • http://localhost:9000

Build, Deploy Misc Help & Tips

  • View Maven Dependency

  • View Junit version and other dependencies for spring-boot-starter-test: In IntelliJ you can do this by Ctrl + click onto pom.xml artifactId : spring-boot-starter-test

  • View Maven Dependency via Run Maven Goals

CAUTION: Re-download of dependencies may take place, while using below commands.

  • Show the project dependencies mvn dependency:tree

  • Show plugin dependency tree for each plugin mvn dependency:resolve-plugins