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Chapter 2 : Backend Enterprise Ready Development

Enterprise Requirements for APIs and Microservices

Code Coverage - SonarQube

Generating Code Coverage Locally with JaCoCo, Sonar Scanner

  • Run Jacoco (Coverage Module)


  • Report Location


  • Coverage Report


  • Coverage Report : dbrest


  • Coverage Report : dbgraphql


  • Take-home Exercises
    • Increase code coverage to 70-80%
      • Add more UT, IT
    • Migrate Integration Tests from JUnit to TestNG

tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

  • dbrestTest - Tests Run

dbrestTest - Tests Run

  • dbrestTest - Report Location

dbrestTest - Report Location

  • dbrestTest - Report

dbrestTest - Report

  • dbrestTest - Emailable Report

dbrestTest - Emailable Report

  • dbgraphqlTest - Tests Run

dbgraphqlTest - Tests Run

  • dbgraphqlTest - Report

dbgraphqlTest - Report

  • dbgraphqlTest - Emailable Report

dbgraphqlTest - Emailable Report

  • Aggregate Test report

Aggregate Test report

API Logging

API Logging is included and available in emapi project.

e.g. API endpoint call - Query

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/hal+json'

Check API Logging

2024-10-02T16:57:21.469+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter      : Before request [GET /emdbrest/tenant/Query?tenantId=3]
2024-10-02T16:57:21.470+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : GET "/emdbrest/tenant/Query?tenantId=3", parameters={masked}
2024-10-02T16:57:21.471+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped to
2024-10-02T16:57:22.067+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Using 'application/hal+json', given [application/hal+json] and supported [application/json, application/*+json]
2024-10-02T16:57:22.067+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Writing [[Tenant [ tenantId = 3 ]]]
2024-10-02T16:57:22.071+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed 200 OK
2024-10-02T16:57:22.072+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [io-9080-exec-10] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : API LOGGING: GET /emdbrest/tenant/Query?tenantId=3]

e.g. API endpoint call - Create with Payload

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/hal+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d ' {
"tenantId": 13,
"customerId": 2,
"tenantName": "Manipal - Pune Branch 2",
"beginDate": "2024-09-19",
"minOrderQuantity": 10,
"customizationRequired": 1,
"custMicrosvcType": "synchronous-webclient",
"customizationService": "tenant-2-validation-service",
"customizationPayload": "order_data"

Check API Logging with Payload

2024-10-02T17:06:11.229+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter      : Before request [POST /emdbrest/tenant/Create]
2024-10-02T17:06:11.229+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : POST "/emdbrest/tenant/Create", parameters={}
2024-10-02T17:06:11.229+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped to
2024-10-02T17:06:11.249+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] m.m.a.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor : Read "application/json;charset=UTF-8" to [Tenant [ tenantId = 13 ]]
2024-10-02T17:06:11.488+05:30 INFO 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] c.e.e.a.Tenant.TenantDataRestController : Tenant Begin Create Record For [Tenant [ tenantId = 13 ]]
2024-10-02T17:06:11.746+05:30 INFO 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] : Tenant Created Record [Tenant [ tenantId = 13 ]]
2024-10-02T17:06:12.229+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Using 'application/hal+json', given [application/hal+json] and supported [application/json, application/*+json]
2024-10-02T17:06:12.229+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Writing [Tenant [ tenantId = 13 ]]
2024-10-02T17:06:12.230+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed 201 CREATED
2024-10-02T17:06:12.231+05:30 DEBUG 35656 --- [nio-9080-exec-7] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : API LOGGING: POST /emdbrest/tenant/Create, payload= {
"tenantId": 13,
"customerId": 2,
"tenantName": "Manipal - Pune Branch 2",
"beginDate": "2024-09-19",
"minOrderQuantity": 10,
"customizationRequired": 1,
"custMicrosvcType": "synchronous-webclient",
"customizationService": "tenant-2-validation-service",
"customizationPayload": "order_data"


  • API Payload Logging is set for max length 10000. Adjust setting or disable it in file:
    • emapi\lib\base-app\src\main\java\com\example\emapi\app\

Security - OAuth2 with Keycloak

  • Run Keycloak in Docker

Run Keycloak in Docker

Build emapi project with Project Configuration,

  • Security Configuration :

    • OAuth2 [Authorization Server]
  • Compile and Run project

  • Verify APIs security

  • Open Swagger API explorer and test API endpoints

  • Test APIs without auth token
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/hal+json'

Server response:

Code    Details
401 Error: response status is 401

Log shows:

2024-10-02T17:50:42.428+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-6]        : Securing GET /emdbrest/erp_product/ViewAll
2024-10-02T17:50:42.428+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-6] o.s.s.w.a.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter : Set SecurityContextHolder to anonymous SecurityContext
2024-10-02T17:50:42.428+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-6] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor : Failed to authorize filter invocation [GET /emdbrest/erp_product/ViewAll] with attributes [hasRole('ROLE_USER')]
2024-10-02T17:50:42.429+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-6] o.s.s.w.s.HttpSessionRequestCache : Saved request to session

  • Get auth token: Giving client_secret and password values
  • Note: Token expires in 60 sec by default
curl -d "client_id=login-app&client_secret=<client_secret>&username=emUser&password=<password>&grant_type=password"

Representative Output: Trimmed for displaying here ...

kmU-2OxA","token_type":"Bearer","not-before-policy":0,"session_state":"81f96ffc-6a5f-484c-878e-d4456b3af966","scope":"email profile"}

Note auth token to use in curl below.

  • Test APIs with auth token
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" ""

Server response:

[{"productId":1,"productName":"string new","productCategory":"string new","primarySupplier":"string","productDesc":"string","productPicture":null}]

Log shows:

2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9]        : Securing GET /emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.s.o.s.r.a.JwtAuthenticationProvider : Authenticated token
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] .s.r.w.a.BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter : Set SecurityContextHolder to JwtAuthenticationToken [, Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=WebAuthenticationDetails [RemoteIpAddress=, SessionId=null], Granted Authorities=[ROLE_USER]]
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor : Authorized filter invocation [GET /emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1] with attributes [hasRole('ROLE_USER')]
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] : Secured GET /emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : Before request [GET /emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1]
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : GET "/emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1", parameters={masked}
2024-10-02T18:11:30.987+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] s.w.s.m.m.a.RequestMappingHandlerMapping : Mapped to
2024-10-02T18:11:31.507+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Using 'application/json', given [application/json] and supported [application/json, application/*+json]
2024-10-02T18:11:31.507+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.HttpEntityMethodProcessor : Writing [[ErpProduct [ productId = 1 ]]]
2024-10-02T18:11:31.507+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Completed 200 OK
2024-10-02T18:11:31.507+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-9] o.s.w.f.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter : API LOGGING: GET /emdbrest/erp_product/Query?productId=1]

If token expired, The logs show

2024-10-02T18:08:11.335+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-3] o.s.s.oauth2.jwt.JwtTimestampValidator   : Jwt expired at 2024-10-02T12:34:29Z
2024-10-02T18:08:11.335+05:30 DEBUG 36388 --- [nio-9080-exec-3] o.s.s.o.s.r.a.JwtAuthenticationProvider : Failed to authenticate since the JWT was invalid

Security - OAuth2 with Keycloak With OAuth2 Client

  • Take-home Exercises
    • Implement Security Requirements for below.
    • OAuth2 [Authorization Server + OAuth2 Client For Web Apps]
    • OAuth2 [Authorization Server + OAuth2 Client For BFF Auth APIs]

Redis cache

  • Run Redis in Docker

Run Redis in Docker

Build emapi project with Project Configuration,

  • Redis Cache : Include [✅] Enable [✅]
  • Enable Swagger UI to display Request Duration Swagger UI has the display Request Duration parameter to show how long a request takes. Enable it.

    • Edit : emapi\app\dbrest\src\main\resources\
    • Add line springdoc.swagger-ui.display-request-duration=true
  • Compile and Run project

  • Verify APIs response times

  • Open Swagger API explorer and test API endpoints

  • Test APIs : 1st call
Server response in:
Request Duration
1045 ms
  • Test APIs : 1st call

Test APIs : 1st call

  • Test APIs : 2nd call - Which will use redis cached data!
Server response in:
Request Duration
104 ms
  • Test APIs : 2nd call

Test APIs : 2nd call


Logging - ELK stack

  • ELK Stack consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana
  • ELK servers needs to be accessible and running.
  • Run ELK in Docker
  • Using template for it, More info
  • Run ELK in Docker

Run ELK in Docker

Build emapi project with Project Configuration,

  • Logging - ELK : Include [✅] Enable [✅]

Add custom logs for observability and monitoring, e.g.:"ErpCustomer list size=[%s] firstCustomerId=[%s] firstCustomerName=[%s]", ErpCustomerList.size(), ErpCustomerList.get(0).getCustomerId(), ErpCustomerList.get(0).getName()));

Log shows:

logdate=(2024-10-02T19:25:05,046) thread=(main)) level=(DEBUG) loggerclass=(org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver) message=(ControllerAdvice beans: 2 @ExceptionHandler, 1 ResponseBodyAdvice)
logdate=(2024-10-02T19:25:05,091) thread=(main)) level=(DEBUG) loggerclass=(org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver) message=(ControllerAdvice beans: 2 @ExceptionHandler, 0 ResponseBodyAdvice)
logdate=(2024-10-02T19:25:05,593) thread=(main)) level=(INFO) loggerclass=( message=(Started EmDbRestAppRestSpringApp in 9.93 seconds (process running for 11.36))

  • Test APIs : Make Create calls, with "productId" = 800, 801, 802
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/hal+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"productId": 802,
"productName": "Product 802",
"productCategory": "Vitamin",
"primarySupplier": "Cipla"

View Logs in Kibana

Access from Kibana UI: http://localhost:5601

  • Configure index pattern: logstash-*
  • Visualize : Create Visualization
    • View

DevOps - CI/CD

  • DevOps CI/CD pipelines for build, verify, deploy - using Jenkins.
  • Covered in tutorial : DevOps - CI/CD