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Tutorial 3 : EasyManage Templates

EasyManage: Templates

  • EasyManage: Templates

    • Is A folder containing EasyManage template projects

    • Locate generated code folder, we will refet to it as DEST

    • DEST : generated code ..\WS_<nnnnn>\resources\templates\


A template project is used with EasyManage generated code. Template projects contain README doc and code for sample apps, examples, customizations and enhancements to use with EasyManage generated code.


Note: If a template contains customizations or enhancements to be merged with generated code, please make sure first that the generated code project is able to build & run.

Backend Templates

  • List EasyManage: Backend Templates

    • Locate generated code folder, we will refet to it as DEST
    • DEST : generated code ...\resources\templates\backend\spring-java

Backend Templates Dir


Some of below templates are covered in Tutorial 4-C

  • Code Coverage - SonarQube, JaCoCo

    • Code Coverage Analysis ...\code-coverage\
  • Testing

    • tests UT Unit Tests, IT Integration Tests

    • Migrate Integration Tests from JUnit to TestNG

    • IT Integration Tests - Migrating to TestNG

    • EasyManage generated IT Integration Tests can be migrated from default JUnit to TestNG.

    • tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

  • Extend

    • Identifiers, @GeneratedValue
    • Validations
    • DTO (Data Transfer Object)
  • Security

    • OAuth2
    • Keycloak
    • Social (Google, Github, ...)
  • Caching

    • Redis
  • DevOps

    • CI/CD
      • Jenkins
      • GitLab CI/CD
  • Logging - ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana)

  • Integrating - Kafka, Kafka Streams

  • Testing

    • System Testing - Performance, Load testing
    • TDD (Test Driven Development)
    • Smoke Testing
    • BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)
  • Migrate to Spring Boot 3 (Spring Boot 3.2.3 and Java 17 or Java 21)

Demo Screens for Backend Templates

Follow below sections to see screens about implementing teamplates, customizing and extending code.