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Tutorial 4 : Backend Development

Backend Development

Undertake tutorials with tech stack Spring Java backend.


For completing below tutorials:

While building, Select appropriate Project configuration. And Make use of EasyManage: Templates.

Tutorial 4-A

Create Microservice

Note: Create emapi project for order table

  • Create e-Commerce Order Microservice

  • MySQL table:

order_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
customer_id int(11) NOT NULL,
product_id int(11) NOT NULL,
order_date DATE NULL,
order_quantity int(11) DEFAULT 0,
order_status varchar(50) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (order_id)
  • Customize order model with below:
    • Auto-generate orderId (order_id column)
      • Use @GeneratedValue annotation to automatically generate the primary key value for @Id.
    • Add validation for orderQuantity (order_quantity column) as below:
      • Must have value (not null) and value must be positive non-zero.
      • Min quantity: 1, Max Quantity: 5
      • Use annotations @NotNull, @Positive, @Min(1), @Max(5)

Tutorial 4-B

Microservice Communication and Events

Note: Create separate/new emapi project for shipping tables and use new ports for APIs e.g. 9060/9050

  • Create e-Commerce Shipping Microservice

  • MySQL tables:

CREATE TABLE product_inventory (
product_id int(11) NOT NULL,
available_quantity int(11) DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (product_id)

INSERT INTO product_inventory (product_id ,available_quantity)
VALUES (1,50),(2,30),(3,40);

CREATE TABLE shipping (
shipping_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
order_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
product_id int(11) NOT NULL,
shipping_quantity int(11) DEFAULT 0,
shipping_status varchar(50) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (shipping_id)
  • Then Order Microservice will communicate with Shipping Microservice for checking available product quantities before creating order.

Implement Event Distribution With kafka:

  • Then Order Microservice will produce event order_created and Shipping Microservice will comsume this event and create a sihpping record.

Tutorial 4-C

Requirements for API Development

Select Project configurations for below in Builder Studio and Implement/Verify them in generated emapi project:


  • tests UT Unit Tests, IT Integration Tests
  • Run Tests: Report Location

Run Tests: Report Location

  • Surefire Report for unit tests

Surefire Report

  • Failsafe Report for integration tests

Failsafe Report

Code Coverage - SonarQube

Generating Code Coverage Locally with JaCoCo, Sonar Scanner

  • Run Jacoco (Coverage Module)


  • Report Location


  • Coverage Report


  • Coverage Report : dbrest


  • Coverage Report : dbgraphql


  • Take-home Exercises
    • Increase code coverage to 70-80%
      • Add more UT, IT
    • Migrate Integration Tests from JUnit to TestNG

tests API Tests - TestNG, WebClient

  • dbrestTest - Tests Run

dbrestTest - Tests Run

  • dbrestTest - Report Location

dbrestTest - Report Location

  • dbrestTest - Report

dbrestTest - Report

  • dbrestTest - Emailable Report

dbrestTest - Emailable Report

  • dbgraphqlTest - Tests Run

dbgraphqlTest - Tests Run

  • dbgraphqlTest - Report

dbgraphqlTest - Report

  • dbgraphqlTest - Emailable Report

dbgraphqlTest - Emailable Report

  • Aggregate Test report

Aggregate Test report

Tutorial 4-D

Enterprise Requirements for APIs and Microservices

  • Take-home Exercises : Implement Enterprise Requirements for below.

Security - OAuth2 with Keycloak

Redis cache

Logging - ELK stack

Integrating - Kafka, Kafka Streams

  • Distributed Events Aggregation with Kafka Streams

DevOps - CI/CD - Jenkins

- DevOps CI/CD pipelines for build, verify, deploy - using Jenkins.

Tutorial 4-E

Advanced Self-Learning Topics

  • Take-home Exercises : Implement below.

  • Testing

    • BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) with
    • Serenity BDD, Cucumber