Build Frontend and Backend with No-Code

Accelerate Cross-Platform Mobile Development
Use EasyManage Flutter No-Code Tools to build your idea with pre-built components and data infused widgets

Mobile App Development:
With No-Code Build and Low-Code Customize, EasyManage Offers full mobile application development, from soup to nuts.

Native Mobile Apps or Hybrid Apps:
Its easier to build native mobile apps or even hybrid apps with EasyManage No-Code Builder for Flutter. And it comes wired to our No-Code APIs.

Android, iOS Apps:
We build for you, or DIY in 3-Easy steps: 1. Download Code for Flutter and Spring REST, 2. Build Android, iOS or Windows Apps, 3. Deploy on any servers.

No-Code Solutions:
Build fast Web Apps, Digital Engagement Solutions or Data Solutions with EasyManage No-Code Platform.

Build APIs insanely fast!
Building mobile applications is super easy now.

Bring all your data & information together, available at your fingertips.


No-Code Development

Frontend - Flutter | Backend - EM DbREST
Download Code | No Lock-In

EasyManage products and solutions for No-Code / Low-Code development.
Mobile Apps | APIs | Web Apps | Data Tools

Dev Tools
For Developers looking to build faster and save money!
Flutter App

Get No-Code pre-built App Frontend for Flutter generated. Low-Code customize to Build beautiful, usable products faster.

Mobile App
Backend - DbREST | APIs

Get No-Code Instant APIs. With Low-Code, customize them or build API Data Mesh.

Android, iOS Apps

Build native mobile apps fast, Get apps with Live Data Ready in minutes. You can Download your app code.


Accelerate Frontend | Backend Development

No-Code APIs - 10 min | Mobile App - 30 min

With 3 easy steps, build and launch beautiful mobile apps, ready with live data.

Define Tables | Generate Code

Table Definitions: Import existing tables metadata (or define new tables using our No-Code Studio).

1-Click Generate Code: EasyManage generates code for APIs DbREST and UI Components.

Deploy APIs

1-Click Deploy APIs: Generated code is deploy ready, use maven project, just compile, package, deploy.

API OpenSpec 3.0 Doc | Live Testing: Available instantly inside Swagger UI tool.

Mobile App with Live Data Ready!

1-Click Mobile App: Generated code is deploy ready, just compile, package, run. Mobile App with Live Data is Ready! App is wired to our no-code APIs.

Build APK | Publish to Android, iOS Stores.

Demo Video | Watch EasyManage in Action

Building Flutter App + APIs | From DbSource: Odoo ERP Schema 550+ Tables

Achieve More

API Data Mesh - 30 min | Business Logic API - 1 hr | Custom Mobile App - 1 day

With Low-Code, customize generated code.

API Data Mesh

Build API Data Mesh via combining data from multiple database sources into 1 API call.

Business Logic API

Build Business Logic APIs via utilizing generated APIs.
Example: Add Employee, and Department only if non-existent -
Call API 1: Query department to see if exists
Call API 2: If it does not exists, add record to department
Call API 3: Add employee record

Custom Mobile App

Customize frontend code generated for default mobile app to build your custom app.


User Accounts

20 days

Average time to build an API*!

Traditional Methods

19 days

Days Saved*!


Costs Saved*!

What Makes EasyManage Different

No-Code solutions to boost mobile app development, digital engagement, data tools. Inbuilt discussions & team collaboration. With Low-code, customize to build complex solutions.

Accelerate Development with No-Code

1-Click Develop New APIs

1-Click Build APIs with no-code approach, microservice code is generated along with all the artifacts. We are Java, Spring Stack!

3-Clicks Move Legacy Apps to Cloud Apps and Build APIs

3-Clicks Move, #1 Import database tables & generate forms, #2 Prepare them, #3 Build/Generate APIs, all this in 10min!

Use Copy-Paste inside Apps & Vendor Portable Records

Powerful Copy-Paste feature, VPR (Vendor Portable Records) support multiple formats, give interoperability. Synchronize & Backup Apps.


Importance of Language | Frameworks

Develop and deploy with popular and in-demand languages, frameworks. There are 8M+ Java developers worldwide. JavaScript is most widely used programming language with 13M+ developers.
Roadmap lists planned languages that will be supported, coming soon.


Flutter - Gaining immense popularity and becoming preferred development tool for cross-platform development.

React Native - JavaScript based popular frontend development framework.

Angular - Is a great choice for web development. Create dynamic single-page (SPAS) and interactive applications. Integrate with NativeScript to build native mobile apps.


Java, Spring REST, Databases:
JAVA gets excellent ranking every year on TIOBE and PYPL, showing that the language is in demand in the world of technology.
Powerful and scalable database choices: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server.


For Businesses and Enterprises looking to embrace No-Code revolution!
App Platform

Build Web Apps, Database Apps. Use Spreadsheets and inline workflows. Copy-paste apps & data.

Web Apps
Data Tools & Workspace

A virtual hub for data assets, and Data ecosystem to democratize data collection and sharing.

Data Tools
Digital Engagement

Reinforce Digital Front Door with digital engagement solutions.

No-Code Savings*! Calculator

Developing New APIs ? Moving Legacy Apps to Cloud and Integrating with other apps ? Save Time and Save Costs, compared with traditional methods.


Productivity Up


Time Saved


Costs Saved

*! Projected time and cost savings as per internal standard trials, db tables available. Results may vary for customer specific environments.

If any of these apply to you ...

EasyManage is the #1 choice tool for you

Have existing tables 20+ or 500+
Need for cross-platform & cross-database development
Are facing developer scarcity, ...

20+ or 500+ Tables, All Taken Care

Turn your Database tables into Flutter App and APIs in 30 min.

Easily extend Legacy App with existing tables on Mobile

If Tables are spread across database types & locations, No issues.
Make mutli-database data accessible via single source - Mobile App or API Data Mesh

Need for cross-platform & cross-database development

If your solutions are used by customers, as per their choice of database,
Get on to single code-base to support cross-database development too along with cross-platform!

Facing developer scarcity

From Businesses to Enterprises, Freelancers to Agencies, everone is facing developer scarcity for mobile development.

With EasyManage, Get productivity booster of min 40% to 60% as per project type.

Convert Spreadsheets into

Flutter App + Backend

Based on no-code / low-code methodology, convert 1 Spreadsheet in 1 Hour, producing 7 Flutter Widgets (Screens) and 5 API endpoints.

Turn Airtable Spreadsheets into Mobile App

Here is how... (or Hire no-code developer to do it for you.)

Download Spreadsheet as CSV

Download into CSV format.

Create a Table from CSV

Create table generation sql script and data inserts from csv.

Rest is handled via no-code

Using EasyManage no-code building, import table and build Flutter Mobile App + backend in minutes.


Get Started Free

Try EasyManage today, It's absolutely free.

No Credit Card Required.

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#! Restrictions Apply

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