EasyManage Academy

Tech Learning

How to Become a Developer

Get right skill-sets to become a developer with Free Self-Learning Track of EasyManage Full-stack Developer Program

Skilling, Reskilling & Upskilling

Get Workforce Agility While Delivering Growth Options for Employees

FREE Programs Learn Yourself With Self-Learning Track!

Master Full-stack Developement With EasyManage Academy Program!

A program designed to help you Get work & Get new opportunities.


How to Become a Developer

Full-stack Developer | Frontend Developer | Backend Developer

Get right skill-sets to start your career

Learning to Code online is preferred by over 70% students

EasyManage Developer Account FREE Plan suffices your needs

Learning to Code Aspirants
If you want to become a developer, there are many opportunities for learning available, and you can become a developer in short time with good efforts. Take your journey, all along with EasyManage account to help you in building.

A structured & flexible program

You begin either as a Beginner or Fresher Learner.

Learn Online and Keep building

Explore Online Resources and Learn More. Build Your Own Side Projects and Samples/Portfolio rapidly with EasyManage Account. Benefit from community support to guide you with learning, answering queries, providing help and tips, etc.

Complete Program, Seek out Internships

After completing the program, get Practical Experience with Internships. By pursuing your passions and exploring your learning opportunities, you can open the door to a career as a software developer professional.

FREE Programs

Learn Yourself With Self-Learning Track

Then apply for development work with great companies

Undertake to learn and complete program yourself.

Why Program?

After completing program, you will be eligible to apply for development work with great companies. And can further expect below.

Work Opportunities

Developers jobs are in huge demand. Developer roles in demand are Full-stack and Back-end developers.

Desirable Projects

Work on projects which interest you.

Good Compensation

Get good compensation for your work and keep flexibility of working in hybrid or remote mode.

Who Can Benefit From Program

Apart from Students with diverse backgrounds, below aspirants can benefit from program.

Frontend or Backend Developer Aspiring to Full-stack

Those who are Frontend developers or Backend developers and are aspiring to Full-stack developer roles.

Software Interns

Its challenging to land up permanent developer jobs after internships. This program can help you get skills and be productive during internship.

Part-time Workers

If you will be working part-time for whatever reasons, then completing this program and augmenting as full-stack developer enhances your chances of getting long-term work.

Stuck in adjacent Roles

Are you Stuck in adjacent Roles such as Support, QA and vie to become developer. This program can help you re-skill.

Program Curriculum

Full-stack Developer Program

With Flutter App, Backend: Java, PostgreSQL, APIs REST or GraphQL
Self-Learning Track, Duration: 5 Days

Curriculum is designed to make you a full-stack developer. To become frontend or backend developer at entry level, please follow the respective parts of curriculum.

Module: Building With EasyManage [1 Day]

1] Setup tools on your local computer
- Computer specs needed: Win 10+ (64-bit), RAM 8GB, Free Space 10GB.
- Backend:
- IDEA Intellij Community Edition Latest. Download IntelliJ IDEA
- Java 17. Download Java 17
- Frontend:
- Flutter. Follow Flutter Doc : Get Started to install Flutter, Android Setup, etc. and Test Drive Create/Run 1st app.
- Visual Studio Code. Install Flutter Extension
- (Optional) Android Studio For building Android Apps. Setup Covered in Flutter Get Started Doc link above.

1] Pre-requisite: Get database tables sql script ready for your full-stack app. You may use sample sql script at: em_demo_app_tables.sql

2] Practise the curriculum yourself by actually Signing in EasyManage and doing all steps yourself, via referring to "Build With EasyManage" Videos and following Tutorial Tutorial 1 : Build Your First App. Duration: 4 Hours.

Program Curriculum

Cloud Native Development Program

• SaaS Multi-tenant • Enterprise Microservices
• Event-Based Customization using Microservices
• BFF Backend For Frontend
With Java, Spring Boot, REST, PostgreSQL
Self-Learning Track, Duration: 4-7 Days

Curriculum is designed to help you master cloud native development using Microservices, Java, Spring Boot, REST.

Tutorial Tracks
Beginner Track
Computer 8GB RAM
Software Setup as per Prerequisites
Building With EasyManage [1 Day]
Module: Learn What is Cloud Native? [0.5 Day]
Module: Enterprise Microservices For SaaS Multitenant [1.5 Day]
Module: Main Product Microservices [1 Day]
Intermediate Track
Computer 16GB RAM
Software Setup as per Prerequisites
Docker Desktop, Kafka Setup - Run in Docker. Pease see
Backend Templates
Beginner Track Modules +

Module: Tenant Customization Microservices [1 Day]
Advanced Track
Prerequisites as per Intermediate Track +
Docker Desktop with Setup OAuth2, Redis, ELK, Jenkins, SonarQube, Sonatype Nexus to Run in Docker. Pease see Backend Templates
Intermediate Track Modules +

Module: Cloud Native Advanced [2 Days]
Module: Building With EasyManage [1 Day]

1] Setup tools on your local computer
- Computer specs needed: Win 10+ (64-bit), RAM 8GB, Free Space 10GB.
- Backend:
- IDEA Intellij Community Edition Latest.
Download IntelliJ IDEA
- Java 17. Download Java 17
- Frontend:
- Flutter. Follow Flutter Doc : Get Started to install Flutter, Android Setup, etc. and Test Drive Create/Run 1st app.
- Visual Studio Code. Install Flutter Extension
- (Optional) Android Studio For building Android Apps. Setup Covered in Flutter Get Started Doc link above.

NOTE: If you have completed EasyManage Full-Stack Developer Program before, you may skip this section.

Follow Instruction to Full-stack Development along with EasyManage No-Code tool.

1] Learn via Videos, Introduction to EasyManage in 10 min on Youtube. Duration 10 Min.

2] Learn via Videos, Build With EasyManage on Youtube. Playlist with 6 Videos, Duration 2 Hours.

NOTE: If you have completed EasyManage Full-Stack Developer Program before, you may skip this section.

1] Pre-requisite: Get database tables sql script ready for your full-stack app. You may use sample sql script at: em_demo_app_tables.sql

2] Practise the curriculum yourself by actually Signing in EasyManage and doing all steps yourself, via referring to "Build With EasyManage" Videos and following Tutorial Tutorial 1 : Build Your First App. Duration: 4 Hours.


Reskilling & Upskilling

Develop and deploy your workforce with greater Agility

Get Workforce Agility While Delivering Growth Options for Employees

Until now, the skilling, reskilling and upskilling of the workforce has never been so easy and cost effective. Provide on-the-job training and utilize resource for real-world projects while undertaking programs.

Break down frontend or backend silos, reallocate talent and skills as full-stack, and put employees at the helm of their careers and industry trend. Introducing skilling, reskilling & upskilling programs that will provide impetus for improvement in retention and productivity.

Flexible programs

Choose relevant reskilling or upskilling programs as per your career ambitions.

Learn Online and Keep building

Explore Online Resources and Learn More. Build Your Own Side Projects and Samples/Portfolio rapidly with EasyManage Account. Benefit from community support to guide you with learning, answering queries, providing help and tips, etc.

Complete Program, Seek out Growth Options

After completing the program, seek out career growth options and new opportunities.


From Java to Microservices Developer

Self-Learning Track, Duration: 5 Days

Follow steps and exercises to master Microservices Developer key skills. Use EasyManage account to generate Microservices - Backend Spring Java projects from database tables. Use it as a reference for all upskilling steps mentioned.

Microservices is an architectural style where Monolith applications are broken into small, independent services which handle a specific business capability or sub-domain. Microservices are loosely coupled and communicate with each other via APIs, mostly REST APIs.

Fast Track Upskilling with Use of generated code and further use of ready-made EasyManage templates to extend and customize.

Upskilling From Java to Microservices Developer

EasyManage generates Spring Java backend REST APIs project for your Microservice. Backend - Spring Java - Create, Download, Build & Run REST APIs thru IDE.

Use EasyManage templates to extend and customize your Microservice REST APIs faster:
- Add Validations, Generate Values For Keys
- Use Data Modeling, Implement Nested Models with 1:1 or 1:M relationships
- Run Code Coverage Analysis with JaCoCo, Sonar scanner, SonarQube
- Optionally go thru below,
- - Implement DTOs for better Microservice-to-Microservice communications
- - Setup Data Mesh APIs

Use EasyManage templates to extend and customize your Microservice REST APIs faster:
- Configure Security SSO IAM Keycloak JWT/JWE
- Try out Redis Cache from Side car Docker
- Use actuator to monitor health
- Use Cloud Functions
- Logging - Integrate to ELK Stack for metrics, logs, and traces

Deploy Microservice REST APIs with Docker Kubernetes on your Computer with Docker Desktop. Then Production Deploy Self Hosted (i.e. your own hosting cloud) with Docker Kubernetes.

Practice building two Microservices with
- One of them as Producer-Service and another as Consumer-Service.

There are two options for Communication
- Synchronous communication with In-place generated templates
- Implement and practice this approach.

Optionally, Try second option as
- Asynchronous with Event-Driven Microservices
- Using Kafka Events, Streams.
- Follow the Template meant for such setup.


From REST to GraphQL Developer

Self-Learning Track, Duration: 2 Days

Follow steps and exercises to master GraphQL Developer key skills. Use EasyManage account to generate GraphQL - Backend Spring Java project from database tables. Use it as a reference for all upskilling steps mentioned.

Fast Track Upskilling with Use of generated code and further use of ready-made EasyManage templates to extend and customize.

GraphQL upskilling related help

Follow these documentation and help links from EasyManage Docs, to understand EasyManage generated GraphQL - Backend Spring Java project:
Backend Spring Java
GraphQL APIs
Features Overview
Deploy & Run
What is build / Code Generated ?

Upskilling REST to GraphQL Developer

EasyManage generates Spring Java backend project for your GraphQL APIs. Backend - Spring Java - Create, Download, Build & Run GraphQL APIs thru IDE.

Generate your GraphQL schema and resolvers - a range of possible queries, subscriptions, mutations and operators.

GraphQL Schema: is generated for your data, and we provide an instant GraphQL API based on schema.

GraphQL Queries help to fetch data from server and databases.

GraphQL Mutations serve purpose of modifying data on the server (i.e. write, update or delete data).

GraphQL Subscriptions provides clients continous updated data over WebSocket protocol.

Use EasyManage templates to extend and customize your GraphQL APIs faster:
- Add Validations, Generate Values For Keys
- Use Data Modeling, Implement Nested Models with 1:1 or 1:M relationships
- Run Code Coverage Analysis with JaCoCo, Sonar scanner, SonarQube
- Setup Data Mesh APIs

Deploy GraphQL APIs with Docker Kubernetes on your Computer with Docker Desktop. Then Production Deploy Self Hosted (i.e. your own hosting cloud) with Docker Kubernetes.

Upskilling React to Next.js

How to upskill React skills to Next.js framework?

Take Frontend Development Journey from React to Next.js

With EasyManage Developer Account

Next.js holds the most promising proposition for React developers to embrace!
At the time of the React community leaving behind CRA and advising everyone to embrace one of React production frameworks, Next.js holds the most promising proposition! Every React developer needs to go through upskilling for Next.js features & abilities via foundational learning, revisited.

A Self-Learning program with fast track option

Get the most from upskilling with all key Next.js features covered.

Get ahead of the herd

Benefit from mastering Next.js Advantages to solve business problems. Stay ahead of the herd in React.

Complete Program, Practice Next.js App Development

After completing the program, Practice development of Apps with a mix of methodologies like CSR/SSR/ISR.


From React to Next.js

Self-Learning Track, Duration: 5 Days

Follow steps and exercises to master Next.js key skills. Use EasyManage account to generate Next.js App from database tables. Use it as a reference for all upskilling steps mentioned below.

Next.js upskilling related help

Follow these documentation and help links from EasyManage Docs, to understand EasyManage generated Next.js App:
Intro to Next.js App
Features Overview
Deploy & Run
What is build / Code Generated ?

Upskilling Frontend Development from React to Next.js

Follow exercise to migrate existing small React App (CRA) to Next.js 13

Build Next.js App with Client side rendering.

Benefits of Client Rendering: Interactivity, Browser APIs

• Build Next.js App with Server Side Rendering (SSR) Focus

• Build Next.js App with Static Exports / Static Site Generation (SSG) Focus

• Build Next.js App with Incremental Site Regeneration (ISR) Focus

Practice development of Apps with a mix of methodologies like CSR/SSR/ISR, with appropriate routing, folder structure and handling.

Fast Track Self-Learning, Duration: 5 Hours

Use EasyManage account to generate Next.js App from database tables. Go thru generated app code to master Next.js key skills. The app has sample implementations for all upskilling steps mentioned below.

Upskilling Frontend Development from React to Next.js

• Migrate CRA Apps to React - Lateral Migration [Duration: 2 Hours]
• Build Next.js App with Client Side Rendering (CSR) Focus [Duration: 1 Hour]
• Build Next.js App with SSR, SSG, ISR [Duration: 1 Hour]
• Practice Next.js App with Mix Of CSR/SSR/ISR [Duration: 1 Hour]

Learning Resources

Build Projects For Your Use Case

Configure Your Project and Generate Code

Fast-track learning cum productivity booster is available. Use EasyManage Free account to build your project for the specific use case you need.

Tutorials With Code Examples

Build Projects

Follow and Complete Tutorials, Download generated code, Build Sample Projects With Code Examples, practice coding.


Cross-platform Full-Stack App Development

• Frontend Flutter, Backend Spring Java, Database MySQL
• Frontend Flutter, Backend Spring Boot, Database PostgreSQL
• Frontend Flutter, Backend Express, Database MySQL
• Frontend Flutter, Backend Node.js Express, Database PostgreSQL

Choose From Full-Stack Tech Stack
Choice #Frontend (Any Of)Backend (Any Of)
1 Flutter Spring Java REST
Spring Java GraphQL
Node.js Express REST
Node.js Express GraphQL
2 Angular(TS) Spring Java REST
Node.js Express REST
3 React Native Spring Java GraphQL
Node.js Express GraphQL

Choose From Backend Tech Stack
Choice #Backend (Any Of)Database (Any Of)
1 Spring Java REST
Spring Java GraphQL
Node.js Express REST
Node.js Express GraphQL
MS SQL Server
Azure SQL

Misc Development Code Examples

Flexible SQL-Like Querying
• In GraphQL APIs

Data Modeling
• REST Data Modeling
• GraphQL Data Modeling
• GraphQL Nested Schema
• Table Relations : Table-to-Table Joins, Multi-Table Nested Models
• Relationships : One-to-One (1x1), One-to-Many (1xM), Many-to-Many (MxM)


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For any help or support, Please email to info@easymanage.com.